Ultra Technology Water Meter Solutions residential, bulk, irrigation and water management companies.
A world leader in the field of water measurement solutions and services, the Arad Group specializes in designing, developing, and manufacturing high-quality meters, automatic meter reading (AM) and advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) systems, and advanced MDM systems and technologies.
We deliver an end-to-end solution for smart water management in today's smart cities and is a fully integrated source for complete water metering management and control systems that set new standards for accuracy, performance, and reliability.
Arad customers benefit from the following advantages:
Improved financial, operational, and customer care performance; High-precision measurement, control, and management; Automated and remote reading of water meters; Real-time operational information

Visualize two swimmers of equal strength crossing a river along the same diagonal line, one swimming with the current and the other against it. The swimmer moving with the flow reaches the opposite bank much faster.
Ultrasonic waves exhibit a similar behavior. Two sensors (A and B) emit ultrasonic pulses back and forth between two opposing points in the meter. In one direction, from A to B, the measurement aligns with the water flow. Conversely, from B to A, it counters the flow.
Continuous measurements of transit time (t) between Sensor A and B (tAB) (with the flow) and between Sensor B and A (tBA) (against the flow) are taken. By subtracting the total tAB measurements from the total tBA measurements for every 100 measurements, an exceptionally accurate average of the flow velocity (mean flow velocity, Vm) is obtained:
100tBA – 100tAB = Vm
We've utilized advanced ultrasonic measurement technology to create two groundbreaking yet affordable ultrasonic water meters – Octave for bulk measurements and Sonata for residential use.
The world's water resources aren't limitless. They face threats from climate change, spanning extended droughts to unprecedented floods. As water consumption escalates, it falls upon utilities and water corporations globally to responsibly manage their clean water sources.
Accurate ultrasonic water meters like Octave and Sonata play a pivotal role in intelligent water management, serving as crucial instruments in mitigating losses from non-revenue water.
Once the average flow velocity is determined, calculating the flow rate of water passing through the meter involves a simple additional step: multiplying Vm by the area of the water meter chamber's cross-section.
For more details, send us your enquiry at sales@v5c.group